The process of training consists in providing SpamBrave with messages you consider to be spam and messages you consider being good ones. SpamBrave will analyse the messages and create its Knowledge Base which will later be used for classifying incoming mail.
The ways of training for SpamBrave are as follows:
- You already have messages, which you would like to offer SpamBrave for training. In this case, use the Setup Wizard, which will lead you through the process of setting-up and training.
- ยท You can mark the incoming messages manually as spam/not spam, thus giving instructions to SpamBrave. At the beginning, you may have quite a few incoming messages identified as Unsure, but in the course of enlarging the SpamBrave Knowledge Base, fewer messages will be identified as Unsure. As a rule, according to this way of training, SpamBrave will work effectively as early as one week after you start using it.
It should be noted that the effectiveness of SpamBrave functioning at the beginning, right after being trained, depends on the number of messages provided for training.
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